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About the company:
Это онлайн-платформа для самостоятельного обучения иностранным языкам. 

Основное направление - деловой английский, но есть еще базовый, подготовка к IELTS, ЕГЭ, несколько курсов испанского, эльфийского и валирийского.Проводим Всероссийские онлайн-олимпиады (последние были совместно с Кембриджем) и спецпроекты с компаниями. 

Salary fork
140 000 - 160 000 RUB

Type of work


Type of employment


Job description:

Приветствуется ответственность и  выполнение задач в срок.

Position requirements:

- Strong knowledge of Ruby, with a minimum of 3 years experience

- More than 5 years of experience in writing and designing quality software

- Deep knowledge of Ruby on Rails

- Frontend experience with React

- Strong knowledge of SQL/NoSQL, experience of working with relational databases like MySQL/PostgreSQL

- Solid understanding of performance optimization and algorithmization
- Team management such as code reviews, mentoring, promoting best practices

- Passion to get into the development process quickly and deliver good quality code

- Knowledge of Git flow

- Good knowledge of OOP, UML and design patterns

- Pro-active, motivated, pragmatic, diplomatic and pedagogic behavior is required in order to help with the continuous team improvement

- Understanding of software development processes and release management

- Experience in integrations with well known 3rd party services (e.g. payment gateways, accounting, sms, marketing services, etc ...)

Working conditions:

Удаленка, официальное оформление

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