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About the company:
Nexla is the leader in unified data operations and a 2021 Gartner Cool Vendor. Our platform makes it simple for anyone to create scalable data flows. Teams working with data get a no/low-code unified experience to integrate, transform, provision, and monitor data for any use case. Data users with varying skill levels work collaboratively to create ready to use data products. Organizations get zero-friction, governed, and agile data operations.

Salary fork:
5000 - 9000 USD gross

Type of work:

Type of employment:

Job description:
We are looking for Senior Software RoR engineers to join the team responsible for the API layer of our stack.

All client requests go through our API; it is our “gatekeeper” to the data processing backplane. It is also our persistence layer. It stores the definitions for our data flows, data sources, and data destinations, just to name a few. Some of these definitions help drive the data processing backplane. The API layer is also where authentication and authorization and user and org management happen.

We have more ideas for features to build and improvements to make. There are plenty of opportunities for a self-driven engineer to own large areas and make an impact. 

Key Responsibilities:
- Be a key driver in designing, building and maintaining new and old features;
- Work closely with Nexla co-founders and seasoned industry experts;
- Build and expose APIs that support Nexla’s UI, SDK, and command-line tools;
- Communicate and work with others who are dependent on areas you own;
- Help diagnose, debug, and fix bugs that crop up.

Position requirements:
The stack is currently Ruby on Rails. We do not require any prior experience because we believe any willing engineer will be able to pick it up. It is helpful though if you have experience in a dynamically typed language like python.

Working conditions:

Обсудить позицию Ruby engineer в чате

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