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About the company:
Distribusion - the company based in the heart of Berlin. We are building the next generation technology platform which connects giants of the travel industry with transport providers. Our highly scalable product, as well as our superior technology, is supported by an experienced leadership team and some of Europe’s leading Venture Capital Funds. Open globally from Brazil to Russia, with customers from Booking.com to CTrip.

Salary fork:
70000 - 100000 USD a year gross
salary is calculated in euro (EUR)

Type of work:

Type of employment:

Job description:
As we move through our next funding round we are searching for a number of Ruby Developers to join the growing team.

An overview of levels and positions we are hiring for:
• Tech Lead (Ruby) with management focus;
• Lead Developer (Ruby);
• Senior Developer (Ruby);
• Back-end Developer (Ruby) x 3;
• Full-stack Developer (Ruby, Python, JS).

This is not a standard Rails application. There is an API server on Elixir that can handle several thousand requests per minute. There is a search on Elastica, API Middleware on a pure ruby ​​with dry and patterns, there is one creepy application that was conceived as a simple service on a pure ruby, but as a result it has grown to a homemade track (but we hope to transfer most of it to Elixir if elixirs appear . While the hands are not enough). Communication between internal services either on Protobaf or through Kafka. Well, there is an opportunity to redo a lot of things beautifully both from the point of view of the code and from the point of view of architecture.

If you are interested in what exactly the company is doing, so, for example, if you buy a ticket to Moscow with an Aeroexpress through some scyscanner, then the Aeroexpress passes through our system. And so with a bunch of carriers and aggregators around the world.

Position requirements:
Tech stack across the company:
• Ruby, Elixir, Kafka, Kubernetes;
• Work with Prometheus, Grafana, Docker, GCP.

Working conditions:
• We are open to both in-house and remote set-ups;
• Relocation in Berlin is also possible. When relocating to Germany, taxes can be calculated here https://www.brutto-netto-rechner.info/ tax class 1 - for one person, 3 - if there is a wife and she does not work. Also, uncheck the 'In der Kirche' checkbox, otherwise the church tithe will be counted as taxes.

If you believe your skills and experience, please respond to the telegram contact administration of Jooby.dev using the button below.

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